Scenario: November 16-19, Battle for University City, Madrid
Madrid, the capital of Spain and, until recently, the seat of its Republican Government, is under siege by the nationalist rebels and their fascist allies. On November 15, the Madrid Column, the nationalist force besieging the city, crossed the Manzanares river at a position close to Los Franceses Bridge, pushing back the López Tienda’s marxist/PSUC/UGT Columna Libertad. Two tanks joined the Morrocans to force their way across the bridge. Columna Libertad blew up the bridge and fell back, but not before a section of Guardia Civil in the column crossed the bridge to join the nationalists. Columna Libertad withdrew in panic and chaos, and no other forces stepped in to fill the gap. The Nationalists crossed the river and began taking buildings, one by one.
Republican command ordered as many reserve forces as were available toward the leak in the front line. The XI International Brigade would cover the North of the University City. Survivors from Columna Libertad and the IV Brigade (Spanish Republican Army) joined with the Durruti Column to occupy the rest of the University City. The Vth Regiment would support the Durruti Column. The operation would begin at 2am on the morning of November 16. As the 1,400 militants of the Durruti Column’s best units prepare to enter the fray, and while their communist allies stall and hesitate to join in, Asensia’s Madrid Column also charges into University City. The Nationalists reach the Casa de Veláquez and School of Engineers, defeating the Dombrowski Battalion, causing 2/3rds of its men to flee and annihilating the remaining volunteers. It was at this point that the Durruti Column enters the University City in two prongs, from the north and from the south, to capture their objectives.
Set up: Cold, rainy winter weather, visibility at 20”, 40” with binoculars. Arrange the large buildings of the University City on a table. On the west end of the table, the River Manzanares, running near and parallel to the table’s edge, marks the point of entry for Nationalist forces. The Hospital Clinico sits close to the far east of the table. This will be the Durruti Column headquarters.
Place markers for attackers' launch points, numbered 1 through 4 on each corner of the table. Both sides attack and defend at various points in the game.
Unit Sheets: Make unit sheets for the groups/squads/companies etc.
Ammunition: Nationalists units each have 10 ammo. Each nationalist reinforcement wave brings ammo supplies worth 50. CNT has 7 ammo per unit. CNT has an ammo dump worth 100 at HQ.
*Nationalist forces: Orders - capture the buildings of the University City.
Columna Asensio
Headquarters: Asensio and staff. 10 infantry.
3rd Tabor of Tetuan (survivors of)
-Tabor HQ: Teniente, staff.
-1st company:
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd company:
-4th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-6th Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
6th Bandera of the Foriegn Legion:
-Bandera HQ: Tiente and staff
-1st Company
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-Mortar team - 2 guns and crew
-2nd Company
-4th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-6th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-MG team - 2 guns and crew
-3rd Company:
-7th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-8th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-9th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
Reinforcements at Turn 7:
Sappers Company:
-Captain and staff
-1st Platoon: sergeant and 19 men
-2nd Platoon: sergeant and 19 men
1st Tabor of Tetuan
-Tabor HQ: Teniente, staff.
-1st company:
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
-2nd company:
-4th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-6th Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
2nd Tabor of Tetuan
-Tabor HQ: Teniente, staff.
-1st company:
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
-2nd company:
-4th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-6th Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
Later Reinforcements at turn 18:
Vehicles (available after bridge built)
-1 Tiznao
-2 Italian L3/33 tanks
-2 German Panzer I tanks
-3 trucks
Columna Barrón
-HQ: lieutenant colonel Fernando Barrón Ortiz, Staff
-1st Bandera Foriegn legion
-Bandera HQ: Teniente and staff
-1st Company
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-Mortar team - 2 guns and crew
-2nd Company
-4th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-6th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-MG team - 2 guns and crew
3rd Company:
-7th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-8th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-9th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-1st Tabor de Regulares de Melilla
-Tabor HQ: Teniente, staff.
-1st company:
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
-2nd company:
-4th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-6th Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
-2nd Tabor de Regulares de Melilla
-Tabor HQ: Teniente, staff.
-1st company:
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
-2nd company:
-4th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-6th Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
Columna Delgado Serrano
-Columna HQ: Commander Delgado Serrano and staff
-4th Bandera of the Foriegn Legion:
-Bandera HQ: Teniente and staff
-1st Company
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-Mortar team - 2 guns and crew
-2nd Company
-4th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-6th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-MG team - 2 guns and crew
3rd Company:
-7th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-8th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-9th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
2nd Tabor of Alhucemas
-Tabor HQ: Commander Mizzian, staff.
-1st company:
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
-2nd company:
-4th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-6th Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
3rd Tabor of Alhucemas
-Tabor HQ: Teniente, staff.
-1st company:
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
-2nd company:
-4th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-6th Machine gun platoon: 1 officer, 19 men, 2 machine guns
Artillery Battery:
-HQ: Commander and staff
-3 x 7.5mm cannon and crew
Squadron of the Luftwaffe:
-3 bombers
-3 fighters
*Republican Forces:
Durruti Column:
Orders - Capture the Casa de Veláquez and push up to the Manzanares. Take each building on the way. Push the Nationalists back across the river.
-Durruti, Manzana, staff, 10 dinamiteros.
-Tiznaos #1-5
1st agrupación:
Orders: Enter from the North. Push west toward the Casa de Veláquez and Philosophy of Letters, (to connect with the XI Brigade), and south to the Santa Cristina Asylum.
-HQ: José Mira, staff, 5 dinamiteros.
-1 Centuria
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Centuria
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-3 Centuria
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-4 Centuria
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-5 Centuria
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-44th Centuria: move south into the Clinico, and the Santa Cristina Asylum.
HQ: Mayo Farrán and staff
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
8th agrupación: Enter from the south, fight north toward the Rubio Institute and the Santa Cristina Asylum.
-HQ: Liberto Ros, staff, 5 dinamiteros.
-“The Madrid Group: Comrade Timoteo and 24 militia and dinamiteros.
-36 Centuria -
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-37 Centuria -
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-38 Centuria -
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-39 Centuria -
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
-40 Centuria -
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
Survivors from Columna Libertad
-HQ: López Tienda, comisar Virgilio Llanos Manteca, staff, 5 dinamiteros
1st Grupo - 1 commander and 24 Republican Army
2nd Grupo - 1 commander and 24 Republican Army
Survivors from the IV Brigade of the Spanish Republican Army.
-Company HQ: Captain and staff
-1st platoon, 1 sergeant, 19 men
-2nd platoon, 1 sergeant, 19 men
-3rd platoon 1 sergeant, 19 men
-MG team 1 - 1 gun and crew
Durruti Column
48 Centuria -
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
52 Centuria -
-1 Grupo - 25 militia
-2 Grupo - 25 militia
5 t-26 tanks of Arman’s Russian company.
Reinforcements at turn 7
XI Brigada International: Orders - Reclaim and defend north half of the University City
-HQ: General Kléber (Manfred Stern) and Comisar Hans Beimler, 10 staff
-Edgar André Column: Orders - Occupy the northwest section of the University City, by the viaduct, Cantarran stream, and the Manzanares River.
-1st Company
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-Mortar team - 2 guns and crew
2nd Company
-4th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-6th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-MG team - 2 guns and crew
3rd Company:
-7th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-8th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-9th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-Dobrowski Column: Orders - Occupy the Casa de Velázquez.
-1st Company
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-Mortar team - 2 guns and crew
2nd Company
-4th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-6th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-MG team - 2 guns and crew
3rd Company:
-7th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-8th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-9th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-V Regiment
Company HQ: Tiente, staff
-4th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-6th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-MG team - 2 guns and crew
Later Reinforcements at turn 18:
XI Brigade
-Thaelmann Column (Swap out Edgar André)
-1st Company
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-Mortar team - 2 guns and crew
2nd Company
-4th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-6th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-MG team - 2 guns and crew
3rd Company:
-7th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-8th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-9th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-Garibaldi Column (Swap out Dobrowksi)
-1st Company
-1st platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-2nd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-3rd platoon: 1 officer, 19 men
-Mortar team - 2 guns and crew
2nd Company
-4th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-5th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-6th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-MG team - 2 guns and crew
3rd Company:
-7th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-8th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-9th platoon: 1 Sergeant, 19 men
-Centuria from Cipo Mera/Madrid CNT Column
-1st Group: Delegate, 24 militia
-2nd Group: Delegate, 24 militia

(Republican defenders of Madrid, November 1936,)
-November 16
Phase 1: Double assault - 2am until 9am, Turns 1 through 4
Durruti Column and Asensio Column each rush into the University City from their own entrance markers. Occupy as many buildings as possible.
Phase 2: Bombardment - 9am until 11am, turns 5 through 6.
Nationalist off table artillery and aircraft pound the Republican positions. Roll 2 die to determine how many Nationalist artillery rounds hit. Roll 1 die to determine how many aircraft. Aircraft drop 1 round of bombs/fire MGs, then leave table.
Phase 3: Reinforcements - 11am until 7pm, turns 7 through 10.
XI Brigade and V regiments arrive from the north and east to support the Durruti Column.
Asensio receives reinforcements.
Phase 4: Overnight - 8pm through 8am, turns 11 through 15.
Republicans attempt to link their positions and establish defensive lines, while nationalists continue to assault. Nationalists can build an improvised bridge, which will allow entry of tanks.
-November 17
Phase 5: Morning bombardment. 9am through 11am, turns 16 through 17.
Nationalist off table artillery and aircraft pound the Republican positions. Roll 2 die to determine how many Nationalist artillery rounds hit. Roll 2 die to determine how many aircraft arrive. Aircraft remain on table.
Phase 6: Asensio’s Assault, 12noon through 8pm, turns 18 through 22.
Nationalists receive reinforcements, assault in 3 prongs. Roll 1 die for number of additional tanks. One group attacks south, one middle, the other, north. XI Brigades are swapped out. Garibaldi relieves Dobrowski, Franco-Belga relieves Commune de Paris, Thaelman relieves Edgar André. Republicans receive fighter planes, which engage with nationalist planes. Roll 2 die to determine how many aircraft arrive. Roll 1 die: 3 or less and the V Regiment decides to leave the table.
Phase 7: Overnight - 9pm through 7am, turns 23 through 23 through 27
Nationalists continue to assault with available forces.
-November 18 - 19, turns 28 on.
Phase 8: Continue fighting with available forces until victory or draw.
Historical Note:
The morning of the 16th, when the Durruti Column was ordered to attack the Army of Africa in the University City, their republican allies failed them mightily. The arms the Russians had ordered from Central America, Mexican Winchesters of a caliber incompatible with Spanish ammunition, and Swiss rifles of a 1886 model which became blocked after a few shots, were not worth the high price the Russians paid for them. No artillery bombardment nor air raids, though promised, took place. General Kleber’s XI International Brigade and the vaunted 5th Regiment were eight and nine hours late to the battle, leaving the Durruti Column alone in the path of Franco’s best troops. By November 17th, only 700 remained of the Durruti Column in Madrid. While the International Brigades and other Republican units in the sector were relieved by replacement forces, again, the Durruti Column was left high and dry. They had been fighting for three days with neither rest, nor provisions. By November 19th, only 400 remained.
Durruti was mortally wounded on 19 of November in front of the Model Prison, close to the front line, and died on November 20th, 1936.
Between 19 and 23 of November, first the 6th Bandera (until 21 Nov) then the 4th Bandera fought the Republican militia and 11th International Brigade for the seven floors of the Clinical Hospital (Hospital Clínico) at the eastern end of the University City (F. Thomas, 1998; H. Thomas, 1986; although Scurr, 1985, gives the dates 17 - 23 Nov). The fighting was with grenades and bayonets; room by room and floor by floor. Once captured, the Hospital constituted the final extent of the Nationalist advance into Madrid until the end of the war.
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